30 August 2006
It's amazing how much they still hate Clinton
The lies and the order in which they occurred
After you peruse the timeline, don't subscribe to the magazine at their website. Come back and get a subscription here so that I make $.12 and can afford to keep running for office.
Robert Crumb is far from my favorite comics creator...
29 August 2006
28 August 2006
I'll bet 50 bucks, right now, that it's a Republican
If enough people say it often enough, does it become true?
I've complained about the lack of Arabic names on the passenger manifests since 12 September 2001. I don't know what to say about the physics of collapsing buildings; that's outside my areas of pretend expertise. But documents are something I know how to nose around in and draw conclusions from and there were no seats available for the hijackers according to the manifests.
27 August 2006
Didn't we go through this before back in the 70s?
The following are some of the crime of George III as given by the Declaration of Independence. See if they sound familiar.
•He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
•He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers
•He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
•For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
•For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
•For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
•He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
26 August 2006
History reporting is as bad as science reporting
The sooner mankind blah blah blah
24 August 2006
It's what they're doing to science that really makes me sick
23 August 2006
I don't like it
22 August 2006
Blair feels "betrayed"
9-11 report
21 August 2006
An administration obsessed with secrecy
The Reagan administration did something similar several years ago: a Chinese physicist was visiting a California university, lecturing on Chinese advances in nuclear fusion research. A pair of FBI agents showed up and stopped his lecture for "national security" reasons. That is strictly an anecdotal story told often by Jerry Pournelle, who claims to have been there.
19 August 2006
The sooner mankind, etc etc etc
18 August 2006
Presidential oath
I just thought I'd remind anybody who happens to look this way that the President's insistence that he took an oath to defend the United States is not true. Unless he took an oath to somebody else that we don't know about. This is the one that we need to hold him to. He's violated it plenty.
It's time for him to go.
We're being mis-led about the British bomb making
I wonder how long the NSA will let me leave this post up?
17 August 2006
Caps Lock keys
This "controversy" is several days old
I think this is the same scheme that Daniel came up with once. Except for the part about making Charon a planet because it and Pluto revolve around a common center that is not inside Pluto.
Imagine that little sparrow's metabolism in a T. rex
I do so love me some science.
The Cold War and the Space Race
In any event, as President Bush tells us, it depends on what intelligence you read. JFK gets a bad rap for claiming there was a missile gap when he had been briefed by the CIA that there wasn't one. Hmm. Well, there were earlier CIA documents that claimed a huuuuuge gap.
Anyway. These are some really interesting source documents if you're interested in the Cold War or missile technology or the Space Race.
Now is the time for all good men...
The government can prove the president didn't exceed his authority but they'd have to reveal state secrets to do it? That makes no sort of sense whatsoever.
16 August 2006
Fascism in the US
Then come back here and order it from Amazon.
I've always maintained that John Dean is a weasel. Yes, he did the right thing in Watergate but don't forget that he was one of them. He turned on them so that he wouldn't have to go to jail, not because he thought they needed to be brought down. But, over the years, he's matured and I have a grudging respect for him now. I've been known to respect a weasel or two.
15 August 2006
There is so much in this story that bugs me, I don't know where to begin
First off, why doesn't he just say, "Do you know how much political capital we can realize from having a few terrorists arrested every three or four months? Why, we can do this for years!"
"The president, suffering in the polls because of sky-high gas prices and the unpopular war in Iraq..." The media is still giving the SOB a free ride. Or at least the AFP is. Why not "The President, suffering in the polls because of repeated violations of the Constitutional rights of US citizens and for his almost constant lying..." If Dan Rather was dead, he'd be spinning in his grave.
It doesnt't take William Randolph Hearst to figure out that persecuting the president sells ad space. Why aren't they doing it? Because the GOP will ask why they hate America? When did the press become afraid of politicians? Did terrible things happen under Reagan that we don't know about? Did reporters get phone calls in the middle of the night? LBJ used to call Rather in the middle of the night and talk about peckers. Didn't bother Rather.
Back to the article, what has happened to the FBI? Did we disolve it when we discovered terrorism?
Local prosecutors stand by their charges?
Hey, I've seen "the Wire." No good comes from people buying cell phones. It just leads to drugs and dancing with strippers.
NASA is trying to make me think it didn't happen
09 August 2006
He needs to renounce the Democratic Party if he plans to run against the nominee that was selected in the primary in which Joe originally chose to participate. But, if he thinks that he was unfairly treated by Democratic voters then he needs to give all the voters a chance to give him a thumbs up or thumbs down.
But, by god, good Democrats need to get behind the party's chosen candidate. I'm talking to you, Mark Pryor.
Man, I love science
Science remains cool.
When I think of all the terrorist attacks over the years...
We live in a country led by people who are either terrified or so blinded by greed or both that they can't even function properly.
07 August 2006
06 August 2006
Universal conpspiracy theory
British Petroleum thinks you're too stupid for words
Read that article again with the idea of peak oil in mind. If there was any money left there, they'd still be pumping. Feh. Of course, now they'll be clamboring even more to open the ANWR. Fuck.