02 March 2023
01 March 2023
I had thought to start off with "You gotta love Republicans," in the sense that they are pathetic and probably need a hug at the end of each long day of hating. Then I realized that no matter the bitter laughs they provide me with, they are generally ignorant people who, when engaged in culture warfare, don't think any of it through.
The governor of Tennessee dressed in drag for a high school thing back in the 70s. His defense, as you can see, is that was different from those evil, sexual, obscene drag queens coming for our children. For the life of me, the only difference I can see is that it was him and not a gay man. For the record, I've dressed in drag more than once. Never for my own gratification, but every time as a form of entertainment for others.
The unintended consequences of their abortion laws is worse. We don't get to laugh at these kinds of things (behind the Washington Post paywall, which they let you step over for free for a while). It's simply horrific. And you know damned good and well that they wouldn't let this happen to their wives and daughters. No matter the cost, they would see that the women close to them got appropriate health care. But your daughter or mine? Fuck them.
And there is no need to talk about the debacle that was Kansas under a "eliminate taxes" governor with a compliant legislature a few years ago. And the hell of it is, that here in Arkansas, we're about to go through the same hell, bankrupting the state by eliminating income taxes and promising vouchers to take kids to private schools.
No, you don't have to love them. You have to be sickened. And you have to be afraid.