Take a look at this.
But the money quote (heh heh) has to be:
"Boehner has similarly declined to give up more than $30,000 he got from Abramoff's Indian tribe clients, saying his own work on tribal issues justified the contributions."
These sorry, no-good sons-a-bitches took bribes and they just say, "oh, well, I'll give the money to charity" and all is forgiven.
This is not the country I grew up in. In the US I grew up in, when you got caught taking bribes, you resigned and sometimes you went to jail. Now, you just shrug and say, "it's a bipartisan scandal" and go on about your merry way.
The country I grew up in had ABSCAM where the FBI was *trying* to catch bad guys instead of spending all their time worrying about terrorists.
But Johnson wasn't re-elected and Nixon was forced to resign and Wilbur Mills *was* re-elected because he was a good congressman despite his preferences for hookers. And congressional hearings! Lord, lord, how the Democrats did (do) love congressional hearings.
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