I'm pretty sure I've read science fiction stories with this as an element but I can't remember where.
This reminds me of something that I was pleased to have figured out on my own the other day. I've been curious for a couple of years as to why some young black men often drive with the seat leaned back so far they can barely reach the steering wheel. I realized the answer when I was sitting beside such a driver at a light. Their heads are behind the door frame; they are better shielded from gunshots from the sidewalk or from buildings. Taa-Daa!
I don't see why they can't just put the additional reinforcement in, regardless of a computer's identification of iminent impact. I would guess there is a reason, but it's not referenced in the story.
Weight and, therefore, miles per gallon (or kilometers per liter, as the case may be). If you were only concerned about crash safety, you'd build a tank. You couldn't drive to Conway on a tank of gas but you'd perfectly safe if you turned the car over or it was hit by a semi.
The fact that the door opens and is not secured on all sides leaves a weak spot.
Perhaps this shape shifting would make the door impossible to open - sealing up the weak spot.
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