Pelosi and Reid have said that they are not going to impeach the Dear and Glorious Leader. It seems to me that if they are going to be faithful to their own oaths of office, they are forced to it.
I mean, look at this. Here we have the agents of the President saying that they will violate the Constitution as they see fit. This is the very sort of stuff that we fought the Revolution against.
Mind you, this isn't exactly what impeachment was designed for because it never occurred to the Founders that a President would attempt to usurp the perogatives and powers of the other branches and would publically proclaim that the Constitution was irrelevant. And brag about it. They just thought that they would need to have a way to remove a bad President.
It would be hard to get articles of impeachment approved by the House without Pelosi's cooperation. Now, once the articles were approved by the House, Reid doesn't have the power to stop a Senate trial. I think I'm going to count on my boy Dennis Kucinich to start a'howlin'.
1 comment:
Pelosi could just stay above the fray, the way Carl Albert did in '73. Impeachment doesn't have to be the carnival it was the last time. It can be a sober, solemn enforcement of the Constitution.
And that's what it needs to happen. The office of the president is under the supervision, if you will, of the Congress and they have a Constitutional responsibility to see to it that the executive does not engage in unlawful acts.
Further, if convicted, the American people would have to pay their pensions. And you know that would chap their asses. "My god, man, pensions are the same thing as money! To deny a man his pension is like denying him money! You can't deny rich people money!"
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