It seems that the Scientologists want to help ease the grief of the students at Virginia Tech.
Of course, everybody that isn't a Scientologist laughs at this stuff but those same people either believe in a dead man waking up, angels, water turned to wine, and a virgin giving birth or they think it's in bad taste to laugh at people who believe those things. I think the free pass that Christianity and Judaism get bugs me as much as anything else about religion in America. Why is it that the insanity of Mormonism isn't put on the same level as the insanity of Scientology. Why isn't Mary Baker Eddy laughed at like L. Ron Hubbard is laughed at (or condemned for her con artistry the way he is)? Why is the refusal to eat pork just acknowledged, with respect, as a part of someone's religion?
Sigh. It's probably too early in the morning, Central Daylight Savings Time, to get wound up on religion.
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