28 May 2007

Why we're occupying Iraq

Of course the war and the ensuing occupation was about oil. And anyone who says otherwise is ignorant or a liar. No other choice of motivation.

The first damned benchmark for measuring whether or not the Iraqi government is doing what it is supposed to do is that they must pass a law that gives away their national resources. I-- I-- I can't even come up with words to express my outrage.

That the Dear and Glorious Leader and the Lesser Dear and Glorious Leader have been working for over six years to enrich their business partners is not a shock any more. Outrageous, yes, but shocking? No. That the Congress of the United States is complicit in this raping of a sovereign people causes me to gasp. Why? Because I forget -- time and time and time again -- that the government of the United States was taken from the people and given to the military-industrial complex many years ago. George Washington warned us against it and so did Ike.

I don't know what more I can do to wake up the American people to the fact that their government is NOT operated for their benefit. I don't think it is too late to take it back. It will be an extremely difficult task but it could be done.

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