Well, shit like this and the cheating.
My point is that we cannot let the media get started again telling us that this campaign isn't about issues because it sure as hell is. If you can't tell the difference between the positions of Fred Thompson and Dennis Kucinich, you're blind and deaf and stupid. Hell, the differences between John McCain and Hillary are legion.
This election is not about "authenticity" or "character" or any of those other things that the media tried to sell in 2000. This election is about the future of democracy in the United States and the lives of Americans and innocents all around the world caught up in the "war on terror."
There is no question that any of the GOP candidates would continue the occupation of Iraq. There is a chance, slim though it is, that the Democratic candidate will not. It is a cinch that any of the GOP candidates would appoint conservative ideologues to the federal bench; the moderates to get the support of the right, the right-wingers to shore up that support. The Democratic candidates are far less likely to appoint someone the bench that doesn't believe in the Bill of Rights.
Yes, they've all sold their souls (except for Kucinich and the guy from Alaska). Yes, they are beholden to the multinationals. But at least the Democrats have just enough soul left to pretend to be ashamed of it. The GOP revels in it; they don't know why anybody thinks there's anything wrong with it; it's the American way, aint' it? Yes, it's a pack of millionaires on all sides (except for etc etc etc), but Hillary and Edwards didn't come from money and their talk about their concern for those less privileged is backed up by their actions.
Oh, yeah, and another thing: The GOP thinks that health care for profit gives us the best health system in the world. They don't seem to understand that we have the worst health care in the industrialized world. No. Wait. It's not that they don't understand, it's that they don't care.
Don't swallow the lie. There's plenty of difference.
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