24 September 2007

So Cheney contemplated asking the Israelis to attack Iran

Well, I don't suppose that hurts anything, right -- thinking about asking the Israelis to do something? I think about what the US should ask other countries to do all the time and he doesn't have any more authority than I do, right? Right?

I mean, he's only the vice-president. Scour the Constitution. You won't find a fripping thing in it that gives the vice-president any powers other than presiding over the Senate. I've always thought that could be used a lot better than it ever has except when Thomas Jefferson had the job but that's another story.

Whyowhyo do we not impeach this man for usurping authority?

Impeach Cheney, remove him from office, prosecute him, try him, convict him, and imprison him. Now.

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