We execute a lot of people in this country, compared to the rest of the civilized world. But, as you may have noticed, China executes a lot more people. Not just in head count, but in per capita counting.
Did you know that the Chinese, until now, used organs harvested from inmates on death row for transplants?
Can we all say "organlegging"?
You know, if you're going to have a death penalty, there's no sense letting the meat go to waste. In addition to organs, they need to start up some Soylent Green factories. Death penalty for parking violations!
It's not organlegging if you take a convicted criminal's organs.
It is organlegging if you find some innocent dupe and kill him to take his organs.
Read the canon. (The Long Arm Of Gill Hamilton)
I was about to post what Daniel posted, but he beat me to it.
But I was also going to add: that the population of the Niven universe also began voting for the death penalty for the breaking of more and more laws, including tax evasion.
It's not organlegging, but it does lead to scary places.
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