31 January 2007

Glenn Beck to "Good Morning America"

Okay. Now, in little words, tell me what exactly was wrong about what he said?


tony said...

Here is the key phrase: "Is that wrong? Oh my gosh, it is Nazi, World War II wrong, but society has proved it time and time again: It will happen."

If the entire country was hell-bent on villifying *all* Christians because of the actions of the pedophile priests, then, yes, I would be advising all Christians to get their asses in gear and denounce the priests before something bad happens to them.

If you will read what he said again, you'll see that he doesn't say those things should happen, he says they will. And he's right. It won't be right but it will happen. It has already happened. How many of the detainees at Gitmo are completely innocent of everything except being an Afghani Muslim?

"Spout the party line"?? The party line is that all Muslims are evil. He's advising those that aren't to make sure that everybody understands that. He's not saying that they're going to be put in jail for not "publically flagellating themselves." He says they're going to be put in jail because the direction of American policy and culture is going to carry us into a war with Islam and we're going to round up all the Muslims because we are ignorant.

Now. I think that the Catholic Church needs to be abolished because of the pedophile priests. I'm beginning to think this whole "freedom to practise whatever insanity you want and everybody has to respect it" is ludicrous.

tony said...

Post-scriptum: For those that know who they are, it might be somewhat instructive to understand that I responded to Snopes thinking I was responding to a message from Wildhogfan because I had a brain hiccup.

What I said stands but I would have said it differently, I think, if I had known who I was talking to directly.

In fact, I was baffled that I getting this kind of comment from Wildhogfan. I should have tripped to the use of the word "mystified."
