30 May 2006

Apparently I'm a Republican

Anyone interested in seeing what a terrible human being I am can look here.

I'm curious, what am I supposed to say to people who are talking when it's my turn? This is the only place I can defend myself. Oh, and take notice that the vast majority of my critics posted anonymously.

I sorta hope they put up an opponent for me so I can lay down this job and just start heckling.

We live in a science fiction universe

and this is a great site to find out how science-y and fiction-y it is.

Gill found the site, by the way.

29 May 2006

The moon is brighter than the sun

at gamma ray lengths. Hunh.

NASA teevee without a teevee

NASA TV is completely wonderful sometimes and utterly boring at other times. But you can watch it on your pc. Quite a bit of historical stuff is available here and there on the NASA site.

28 May 2006

A bit of a constitutional crisis

Okay, so the FBI has been doing something other than look for terrorists. So the FBI, with a warrant, searched the offices of William Jefferson and removed documents. It seems that he has taken bribes from an electronics company that wants to bring broadband to Africa.

First time in history that a congressman's office has been searched in a criminal case.

Then it gets confusing. How do I know who to root for when you can't figure out what's going on?

Jefferson is a Democrat from Louisiana, where corruption is a rite of office. The Congress is in high dudgeon over the separation of powers. There seems to be some rifts in the White House on this, too. Cheney's people want the documents from the Congressman returned. AG Gonzalez has threatened to resign if they are returned. And, as usual, the White House dithers.

Makes you wonder what the documents are about, doesn't it? I mean, if Cheney's people want them returned to Jefferson, that can only mean, considering Cheney's history, that there is something in them would hurt Cheney, right?

24 May 2006

He's tan and fit and rested. Gooooooo Gore!!!!

These are the kinds of news stories that the press would do for a future Gore campaign to make up for getting us into this mess to begin with.

Can you imagine:





It's enough to make guy stoned out of his mind on pain killlers look forward to the future.

With Hastert under the gun now...

...do they have anybody who has any name recognition that isn't a proven liar or a paid lackey? http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060524/pl_nm/congress_ethics_hastert_dc

22 May 2006

Democratic Primary in Arkansas

I've got something short of an endoresement for a couple.

Paul Suskie for attorney general. I've come to understand why men's political careers begin around the time they turn 40. You start knowing people that are involved and it spreads like a fungus. In other words, I know him.

Lt. Gov. is a mess: Halter, who is a limousine liberal; Woolridge, about whom I know next to nothing; Hathorne, who is going to windup in the run-off with Halter, I'm pretty sure; and Martin, whom employed for four years at the library. I'll give the nod to Hathorne but I won't demand that people not vote for Jay Martin. He's smart. The thing I'm holding against him is his holier-than-thou version of Christianity.

In my statehouse district, I'm behind Ellison Norith becasue he asked me to be and he's strongly pro-labor.

In Distrcit 37, Gill is the campaign manager of Jerry Larkowski so if I could vote in that one, that's the way I'd go.

Those are my endorsements and none of them are born of deep conviction that the selected candidate is the one who should have the office. Lots of ennui in local politics for me right now.

19 May 2006

I'm back

I wont' ablet to post here much the next few days because I can't sit up and I'm completely unable to typet he letters in the oder that they go.

Surgery was fine. WEnt exactly like to suppoosed to go. I go 1 week from today for post-assessment.

16 May 2006

From Fark

In Waldron, Arkansas, prostitutes now have the option of paying their water bill with cash, check, credit card or a little "alone time" with the mayor.



If he were up to it

He would post this.


13 May 2006

I feel safer already

The crack Bush Homeland Security squad has saved us from a dangerous, terrorist-training video game.

Either that, or Bush's Homeland Security department has a strict Morons-Only hiring rule.

I bet Parker and Stone are laughing their asses off.

(In case no one else remembers (as it wasn't very good), the "I was just a boy when the infidels came to my village in Blackhawk helicopters" line that they mention as evidence of terrorist intent comes from the opening scenes of Team America, World Police.)


He likes him some space pictures

So if'n he was still doing this, he'd make sure you all saw this. The one of nightfall in Europe makes a fine desktop.


12 May 2006

I live in a country full of morons.


What was that thing that Benjamin Franklin said about liberty and security?


Well I'm glad they cleared THIS up


"Officials at Diebold and a number of states played down any risk, emphasizing to the Times there were no signs of tampering with the touch-screen machines. "

11 May 2006

We Live in a Science Fiction Universe

I know I've seen something like this on the Jetsons.

Greg remarked "For all those who never thought they’d say, “Man, I’d sure like to see that parking garage in person!”"

Hillary tries to show her true colors

It seems that she's associating with a different sort of crowd as we run up to her re-election. Check out those co-sponsors.

It must be a bi-partisan scandal, mustn't it?

Stupid, greedy, lying Republicans.

We live in a science fiction universe

I'm pretty sure I've read science fiction stories with this as an element but I can't remember where.

This reminds me of something that I was pleased to have figured out on my own the other day. I've been curious for a couple of years as to why some young black men often drive with the seat leaned back so far they can barely reach the steering wheel. I realized the answer when I was sitting beside such a driver at a light. Their heads are behind the door frame; they are better shielded from gunshots from the sidewalk or from buildings. Taa-Daa!

They are letting the most important work of art in the world rot

Fungus at Lascaux. There will probably come a time when the ability to abstract reality to create art will be what defines humans as different from chimps. It is already accepted among a buncha athropologists that there is a difference between "phyically" modern humans and "behaviorally" modern humans. We were "human" for about 50,000 years before we started acting like it. The caves at Lascaux are among the first things that mark the difference.

We have no civil liberties if we won't defend them

The Founding Fathers would be marching on the Federal buildings all over the country and begun initiating citizens' arrests of any federal officials they could find. And some of those officials would be tarred and feathered and some might actually be hanged. Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, even Washington and Adams wouldn't have put up with this.


We have, through our extremely keen interest in consumerism, given up our rights as Americans. This is not the country I grew up in.


Still more of the filthy liars' corruption

Chuck found this.

Another hallmark of fascism is that the legislative body has no oversight of spending by the executive.

A Democratic Congress might not have the will to impeach any of these bastards but they could stop a lot of this sort of activity by simply refusing to give him the money. Well, they probably won't do that either because they'll be called traitors and asked why they hate America and, god knows, they don't have the spine to put a stop to that shit. I just wish that somebody in Congress had any sense of history (and/or dignity). "In the end, Senator, have you no decency?"


10 May 2006

And we're *STILL* arming al-Qaida

This is the thing that just utterly and completely blows my mind. Why why why does this administration get a pass on this and everything just like it? Why?!?? What would happen if Clinton administration cronies had slipped a few million dollars worth of arms to arms dealin' buddies? Impeachment? Jesus Jumped Up in a Sidecar Christ, they would have dragged him out of the Oval Office and took turns shooting him on the lawn before they burned him at the stake and then took turns pissing on the corpse.

When is *everybody* going to wake up and realize that the Bush administration has zero zip nada interest in the security of the United States? They care about making money and about their friends making money? Corruption? That word is pathetic. They're evil to the fucking core.

Impeach the Mother Fucker Already

Get Out of My Way! Get Out of My Way!

Daniel has been concerned about population growth for a long time. I've only recently come to see it as a problem and only from the point of view of energy consumption.

This guy sees growth as bad. I'm not sure about his arguments against denisty but I'm going to think about it.

The subject line is one of those english-to-someotherlanguage-back to english translation jokes. It's a double translation of the title of the population disaster novel by John Brunner: _Make Room, Make Room_. I've always thought it was funny.

Get Out of My Way! Get Out of My Way!

Daniel has been concerned about population growth for a long time. I've only recently come to see it as a problem and only from the point of view of energy consumption.

This guy sees growth as bad. I'm not sure about his arguments against denisty but I'm going to think about it.

The subject line is one of those english-to-someotherlanguage-back to english translation jokes. It's a double translation of the title of the population disaster novel by John Brunner: _Make Room, Make Room_. I've always thought it was funny.

A great link to the US Constitution

Scuffling around for the text of the Constitution to see just who it says could be impeached, I found this. The annotations include hotlinks to the cases they site.

On the subject of the Constitution, I have decided that the best resolution between my conflicting ideas about states' rights is to just accept my inconsistency. I shall be a proponent of states' rights on those issues where I feel I should be (education and drugs, for instance) and a fierce defender of the 14th Amendment when I feel I should be (civil rights, and, uhm, hmmm.) Maybe I need to think about this inconsistency thing and make sure that it's real.

You don't like the President, you don't get a contract

Why do they bother to take bids?

"He didn't get the contract," Jackson [Secretary of HUD] continued. "Why should I reward someone who doesn't like the president, so they can use funds to try to campaign against the president? Logic says they don't get the contract. That's the way I believe."

Do you think that the president is unaware of this kind of action? I don't.


Thank god they don't have thumbs


09 May 2006

"I earned my bribe" says House GOP leader

Take a look at this.

But the money quote (heh heh) has to be:

"Boehner has similarly declined to give up more than $30,000 he got from Abramoff's Indian tribe clients, saying his own work on tribal issues justified the contributions."

These sorry, no-good sons-a-bitches took bribes and they just say, "oh, well, I'll give the money to charity" and all is forgiven.

This is not the country I grew up in. In the US I grew up in, when you got caught taking bribes, you resigned and sometimes you went to jail. Now, you just shrug and say, "it's a bipartisan scandal" and go on about your merry way.

A damned interesting website

Greg found it.

I'm the world's oldest 10-year old boy

Man, I want me some of these. A Nexus doll? A Grimjack? A Jack Staff? How could a doll be any sweeter? And they are dolls, not action figures. I'm in touch with my inner 10-year old girl, too.

Imagine the hits this site is going to get with me publishing posts with "10-year old boy" in the subject header and "touch" and "10-year old girl" within 5 words of each other in the body.

08 May 2006

Iran-Iraq Potato-Po-tah-to


I seem to recall, very clearly, that when Saddam swore he had no weapons and agreed to let the inspectors look anywhere they wanted, Colin Powell said that just because he was doing what we had demanded didn't mean that he was off the hook.


The Hand-Puppet recalls his greatest moment

From Chuck:

It's no so much that he's not very bright or very reflective or even very successful. It's that he's oblivious to it all. He seems to really believe that he will go down in history as a great president because that's what happens to war-time presidents.


My own greed

Are any of you going to set up a howl if I sign up with Amazon to make nickels off your book purchases if you buy them through this site?

I'll use this super-power for good and will only put the Amazon link in for books that I'm recommending (if you access Amazon through my link, even if you don't buy the book I'm recommending, I'd still get pennies. Not nickels). I'll even use some of the hard-earned Amazon money to buy some of you presents.

Corruption isn't a strong enough word


The culture of theft is a direct product of our "if you're not rich, you're nothing" media. Something is deeply, deeply wrong with our country and I'm not sure that we'll have time to address it before we're forced back to roots and berries.


By popular demand, we're blogging. Things will change here over the next couple of weeks but the content should be what you're all used to: politics, science, the politics of science, a little anti-religion, and stuff I think is funny.