Somebody is full of shit. And I don't know if it's this guy or the oil industry or just who it is.
So he says that Iraq has proven reserves of 112 billion barrels of oil. Hmmm. And that Iraq has a production potential of 8 billion barrels a day.
The US's DAILY consumption is 20,030,000. The top five oil consuming countries consume 37,476,000 barrels a DAY. The world consumes 80,727,430 barrels per DAY.
Okay. That means that Iraq's reserves would last (if it was the only country producing, which I know it is not) , uhm 3 1/2 years. Gosh. Maybe the mean British billions. That would mean 35 years. Hmmm. No, I checked the CIA Fact Book and they mean American billions -- 1 thousand million.
So. We've killed maybe 650,000 Iraqi civilians in order to take away from them the only goddamned thing they've got that's worth anything and it will only last for 3 1/2 years? That we continue to allow these vile theives to run this country makes me sick and ashamed.
Impeach the Mother Fucker Already. Failing that, remember that the Tree of Liberty must, from time to time, be refreshed by the blood of tyrrants and of patriots. Look for me in Gitmo.
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