02 October 2006

A well-written piece about the Military Commissions Act

This guy said it better than I could. But even at that, I'm not sure that he's hysterical enough.

These evil bastards will not go gently into that good night. To believe that they will respect the outcome of elections is to have forgotten how they came to power. To believe that they will lay down the reins of power that they worked so hard to get is to be more than naive, it is to be their stooge.

One of the central tenets of fascism is that you have to come to power through the normal process (cheat if you have to) and *then* you dismantle the rule of law. No revolution is necessary. If you do it right, the people welcome you with open arms. But you never give up willingly. No fascist government has ever voluntarily surrendered power. This one won't be any different.

Impeach the mother fucker already.

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