Now the administration is saying that executive privilege trumps all. I cannot say this often enough: WE DO NOT HAVE THREE EQUAL BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT. The Constitution doesn't say that. The Founders didn't intend that.
The Congress is supreme as it reflects the will of the people. It is the only branch that is elected by the people. In the end, Congress can impeach and convict everybody in the executive branch and all federal judges and there is fuckall that anybody, except the voters, can do about it.
There is no executive privilege.
Oh, and that last paragraphs deserves quoting:
"[Mark] Rozell, the George Mason professor and authority on executive privilege, said the administration's stance "is almost Nixonian in its scope and breadth of interpreting its power. Congress has no recourse at all, in the president's view. . . . It's allowing the executive to define the scope and limits of its own powers."
Almost Nixonian? This is far and away worse than any shit that Nixon tried to pull. Remember that Nixon wanted to cover up his crimes. This administration brags about them and calls you too stupid to know they're in the wrong.
Impeach the motherfuckers already. And remove them from office and prosecute them and convict them and send them to prison.
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