11 July 2007

Something I don't understand

Why is it that it's always the staunch defenders of family values that get caught with prostitutes? Let me make it clear that I do not think that Sen. Vitter's liaison with a prostitute disqualifies him from sitting in the US Senate. I think Sen. Vitter's sex life is his own business.


He has made political hay by calling Bill Clinton immoral and have campaigned on "family values" and opposes gay marriage. Then he becomes hypocritical scum and not only should he be hounded from the Senate, he should be held up to public ridicule at all opportunities.

I feel sorry for the hell that his wife and children will catch but it he'd kept his fucking mouth shut beforehand, I would be screaming for his critics to get the hell away from him and leave his family alone.

This is a matter of goose sauce.

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