31 July 2007

They destroyed the evidence of the stolen election

We all know that they stole 2000 but I've been trying so hard to give them the benefit of the doubt on 2004. Circumstantial evidence suggests that they stole Ohio and now they've destroyed the hard evidence. This should be investigated by Congress. Now.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think what's going on is "FIRE SALE! EVERYTHING MUST GO!" They're cashing in before the coming economic collapse. That they're hastening the collapse just means their "investments" are going to pay off big time. We'll have 3 more big elections before they even think about fixing the voting system, and by then the government will be pretty much deliberately destroyed. It's been the Republican goal for a long time: hamstring the government enough that they *can't* stop the rich from doing pretty much whatever the fuck they want.