09 May 2006

I'm the world's oldest 10-year old boy

Man, I want me some of these. A Nexus doll? A Grimjack? A Jack Staff? How could a doll be any sweeter? And they are dolls, not action figures. I'm in touch with my inner 10-year old girl, too.

Imagine the hits this site is going to get with me publishing posts with "10-year old boy" in the subject header and "touch" and "10-year old girl" within 5 words of each other in the body.


Anonymous said...

I was disappointed by this post. I ran a search for "10 year old boy" and "10 year old girl" within five words of "touch".


tony said...

I'm gonna guess Chuck. The "hmmph" makes me wanna say me but I know better than that.