16 May 2006

If he were up to it

He would post this.



tony said...

"Oooooooooooooooooo", doesn't even come close.

wildhogfan said...

To answer Snopes, I vote that the river delta in the left side of the image is the Volga, making the body of water the Caspian Sea.


tony said...

I took a look at what Daniel suggest and saw that the Volga doesn't run that way. Knowing that Daniel wouldn't have gone out a limb like that without looking it up, I knew that the caption he had found for the picture said that it was the Caspian so I looked around and found that the delta is that of the Kura on the southeastern end of the Caspian

wildhogfan said...

Well, Tony, you're certainly typing better.
