25 May 2007

Gasoline prices

My pal, Greg, writes:

We need to put these motherfuckers in jail. They spent the nineties buying up independent refineries and shutting them down. Now we get this:

"The Energy Information Administration predicts that crude oil prices will average about $66 a barrel this summer, compared with $70 last summer. But it predicts that gasoline will average about $2.95 a gallon this summer, up from an average of $2.84 last summer.

"Industry executives say the anomaly reflects a temporary drop in refinery activity, partly because of scheduled maintenance and partly because of unscheduled interruptions."

Why the fuck aren’t we putting these evil bastards in jail? I mean, sure, it probably helps to fight global warming to raise gas prices, but not as much as a goddamn carbon tax. I want these fuckers’ thumbs nailed to a wall.

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