29 September 2006

Greg complains about corporate radio

A few weeks ago the local radio station that broadcasts the baseball games started adding a 10-second delay, making it impossible to listen to the play by play while at the game. I wrote and complained (that complaint is at the bottom, the last paragraph of which I redacted before I forwarded this with an expression of my outrage to my useless right-wing congressional delegation). The announcers said the delay was because of HD radio, but that's not quite right. Read their reply...


-----Original Message-----
From: KRLD Web Site [mailto:KRLDWebSite@cbs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:50 PM
To: girkin@[redacted for privacy]
Subject: RE: Contact Us

Thanks for the email. Recently because of the increase in fines by the FCC (to $325,000 per offense) CBS corporate in New York has decided that all stations must broadcast with a 10 second delay at all times...even during baseball. So every CBS station in the country that broadcasts any kind of sports now must run in a delay just in case an offensive word would be said we could dump it so nobody would hear it.
I am very sorry for this and believe me you are not alone. I am gathering all the emails and phone calls to send to CBS so we can get this changed.

Thank you,
Ryan McCredden

-----Original Message-----
From: krld@intertechmedia.com [mailto:krld@intertechmedia.com]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 3:40 PM
To: KRLD Web Site
Subject: Contact Us

Contact Us

1. Your Name:: Greg Girkin

2. Your Email:: girkin@[redacted for the same reason as above]

3. Company::

4. Comments:: Your 10 second delay on ball games has caused me to do two
things: stop carrying my radio to the game and stop listening to the radio commentary (as I used to do) when I'm watching on TV. I know on-air guys said this would not change back, but surely this will kill your ratings. I mean, you're doing all this to satisfy all 14 people who have HD radio? Come on!

One actual benefit of the delay is that now I don't accidentally turn on my radio after a game and hear the right-wing nutjobs who make up the rest of your programming day. My radio just won't be on that station any more.

5. Where would you like your information sent:: News/Programming

6. Would you like to receive emails from KRLD about upcoming events, contests and breaking news?: No

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