28 September 2006

Olberman has alread called for Bush's impeachment

But this is just wonderful, high dudgeon.

But it won't matter. The mainstream press, and don't kid yourself that MSNBC has enough of an audience to be mainstream, will continue to accept that there is a "war on terror" and that were all in terrible, terrible danger from "islamofascists" who hate America because of our freedoms.

They, the mainstream media, will never acknowledge that the fascists are in power in Washington. They will never acknowledge that the president has committed a score of offenses that are more than sufficient grounds for impeachment.

The Democrats will not make the necessary acknowledgements either. They cannot see that a 30% approval rating means there are 70% of the people looking for someone to tell them the truth. Harry Truman, where are you? "I'm just telling the truth and they think it's hell!"

Where are the great populist orators of the previous century? Why aren't there Democrats making speeches that are so long and angry that halfway through they take off their coats and ties? The crowd goes wild and with a big, sweaty grin the orator starts in on their moral deficiencies.

Monica be damned. Getting blowjobs is *nothing* compared to buying and selling influence and votes and lives. Yes, lives. Do you think that the young men and women of the US armed forces and the countless Iraqi civilians have died for anything other than profit? If you do, you're deluded.

All together now: there were no weapons of mass destruction and the CIA said so before the war. FEMA did nothing in anticipation of Katrina and the president was briefed on the breaking of the levees before it happened. It is against the most basic and fundamental aspects of our system of government to conduct wiretaps and e-mail taps without a warrant. *AND* there were provisions to allow it that, while they may not have ultimately passed Constitutional muster, they did exist. It is against everything that this country has stood for since 1775 to torture anyone. Americans don't torture. Filth tortures. The enemy tortures. Not us. America does not build secret prisons and hold secret trials and convict with secret evidence. My god, why do we even have to have this conversation?

The environment is being destroyed in the name of profits. It would cost too much money to take care of the earth, they say. Where the fuck do they plan to go? And don't get me started on the right-wing religions. That's another rant for another day.

The economy is not good. Sure, people who trade stocks and bonds are making money. They always make money. Hell, there were people making money out of the Crash of '29. Today, this minute, there are people who are working at minimum wage jobs and trying to support a family. And that won't work. And they can't get better jobs. Not only are they not qualified for them, they don't exist. We gave away the manufacturing sector of the economy. Over half the GDP is from real estate, finance, and insurance. Jesus Christ, NONE of those things add one fucking penny to the *economy*. It only adds to the wealth of the wealthy.

There is not decent healthcare available for any but the rich in this country.

Why are we not down at the Federal Building DEMANDING redress of our grievances? We've got what we deserve.


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