20 October 2006

Careful with your produce

So, this woman found a black widow spider in some grapes she bought at a California grocery store. Well, things happen. No reason to get all spun up, right?

Then we hear what the spokeswoman for the chain had to say: "Mona Golub, Price Chopper spokeswoman, said the grocery chain confirmed the incident and removed the grapes as a precaution. She said they came from California. Golub called the incident "rare" saying the supermarket chain has had only a few such cases over the past 20 years."

"A few such cases"? Joshua Crust, how many times do you have to find black widows in grocery stores before you start to wonder what the hell is going on? Once, sure, that's not odd. Twice? Gosh, what a coincidence. Three times? Wow. We might oughta check into this. How many does it take to constitiute a few? More than three? Lordy, lordy, stay away from Price Chopper!!

Of course, she might not have meant incidents with black widows in particular. They might have had rattlesnakes or kissing bugs or rabid vampire bats. Jeez.

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