18 October 2006

Dear Leader wants to know what people are saying about him

Do you honestly beleive that they will only use this to look at foreign publications? Will we ever wake up and throw these bastards to the fucking wolves? They've arrogated for themselves the right to seize enemy combatants and hold them indefinately without trial. They've already said that an enemy combatant is anybody that poses a threat to the US. And then they say that negative opinions of the US government pose a threat to the US. It isn't a strained leap to imagine American publishers, editors, reporters, or writers of opinion of all stripes Gitmoed.

Have you noticed how much Dear Leader has been using words like "intolerable" and "unacceptable" lately, regarding foreign policy matters? Notice how his political opponents are characterized as sympathizing with the terrorists and trying to protect them?

Do not for a second imagine that these monsters won't use the power they've seized. A gun on the matle in the first act must be fired in the third. I'm frightened for the future of my country and ashamed of myself and my countrymen for not being down at the federal building right now, weapons in hand, demanding redress of our grievances.

Impeach the Mother Fucker Already

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