20 October 2006

Execute them

There are certain crimes that cause my progressive, liberal attitudes and politics to evaporate.

What do you do with worthless fucks like these? If you let them live, they will father children. The most serious mistake the US ever made in human rights policy was to enshrine the right to reproduce in the UN charter.

I suppose that instead of executing them we could sterilize them. While that would stop the perpetuation of their genetics to the next generation, it wouldn't keep them from committing this same kind of crime. Nor would it prevent them from raising someone else's child to be like them.

And keep in mind that they cannot be reformed. How could they be? Surely if they were ever well enough to recognize the heinousness of the crime they had committed, they would commit suicide, no?

Keep in mind that I'm trying to persuade you, dear reader, to agree that execution is what they should get. I accepted a long time ago that there would always be crimes for which I think the criminals should die.

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