18 October 2006

Web sites for House candidates we need to support

These are Democrats who are running competitive races but where it is currently leaning toward the GOP. Go through, pick out 4 or 5 and give them $10 each (I've hot-linked to their websites). Don't just talk about doing that or think about doing that, do it. Do it now. If you can afford $100 each, do that. If you can only afford $5 each, do that. This is important. Vitally important. I am not engaging in hyperbole when I say that I think the future of our constitutionally-governed republic rests on restoring the checks and balances that our country was founded on.

AZ-05 Harry Mitchell
CA-04 Charlies Brown
CA-11 John McNerney
CO-04 Angie Paccione
KY-02 Mike Weaver
KY-03 John Yarmuth
NV-02 Jill Derby
NV-03 Tess Hafen
NH-02 Paul Hodes
NJ-07 Linda Stender
NY-20 Kirstin Gillibrand
NY-29 Louise Slaughter
PA-08 Patrick Murphy

There is another seat that is leaning Republican but I haven't the faintest idea what you should do. It is TX-23 and they're having a special election and seem to have a handful of Democrats and I don't know enough today to advise you on which one to support but I would hate to split the resources for this district.

So there. Don't just talk about it. Do something.

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