14 March 2007

No responsible media, no responsible opposition, no responsible citizens

We're pretty pathetic. Seymour Hersch has been reporting about the plans of the administration of the Dear and Glorious Leader for war on Iran for a couple of years and, as Tom Engelhardt points out, nobody seems to give a damn.

I don't really have any doubts that the Iranians are pursuing nuclear weapons. In their place, who wouldn't? Iraq gets invaded but North Korea gets a pass. The difference? A million man army is a big deal but nukes that can be flung at Japan are bigger. I believe that I would be working very damned hard to get nukes I could fling at Israel in order to protect myself from invasion by the Great Satan.

I don't really have any doubts that the Iranians are assisting insurgents in Iraq. Why shouldn't they? Their closest neighbor, inhabited by co-religionists, is under occupation by a nation that has declared undying enmity to Iran. I'd be trying to get the occupiers to go home, too.

But, does the "threat" posed by Iran to the US justify getting in bed with the very people that attacked the World Trade Centers? Make no mistake: we are assisting the terrorists that attacked us. Let me repeat that in capital letters: WE ARE ASSISTING THE SAME KIND OF TERRORISTS THAT ATTACKED US. And I don't mean the same kind in the sense that they're terrorists and they will use terror tactics. I mean the same kind as in they got their educations in the same madrassases and they trained in the same training camps and they get the same support from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and they believe in exactly the same thing: the US is a thieving tool of Shaitan and deserves to reap the whirlwind.

The Global War on Terror is a farce. Iran is no threat to the US. Iran is, however, a threat to Iraqi Sunnis and to Saudi Arabia. The Bush family can tolerate no threat to their business partners, the Saudi royal family and the, uhm, what is that name? Oh, yeah! The bin Ladens. So to protect the business interests of his friends and family, Dear and Glorious Leader will ally with anybody, even Sunni extremists, who are allied with al Qaida itself.

And this isn't a secret. Seymour Hersch has been telling us at the top of his lungs. And nobody cares. These are not just impeachable offenses, they're treason. Bush and Co. shouldn't just be removed from office, they should be put in prison. Or worse. Think of the lives wasted in Iraq. Think of the lives that are going to be wasted in our wars against Iran and Syria and Yemen and Indonesia and against the Philippine rebels. And against the Chinese when the sucking sound of "no more oil" starts drowning out diplomacy. Eye for an eye is rough justice but it's justice, none the less.

And treason is a capital offense.

ITMFA and then try him for treason and let the chips fall where they may

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